Lot 4569
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Johnston/Stone (1982) DJE 832386/7 consecutive pair, DLD 682757/778, 780/81, 783/90, 792/96, 798/800 consecutive groups, DLG 734901/40 forty consecutive notes, also various scattered number ...
Estimate $210
SOLD $160
Lot 4570
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Johnston/Stone (1982) DPB 870059/159 (includes radar number 870078); also DPK 603016/21, 46/8 (R.78) an original pack of one hundred consecutive notes with one ...
Estimate $250
SOLD $220
Lot 4571
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Johnston/Stone (1987) DJU 733872/974; DNB 098136/235 (R.78) two original packs of one hundred consecutive notes. Uncirculated. (200)
Estimate $400
SOLD $450
Lot 4572
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Johnston/Stone (1982) DNN 541701/800, DNN 541901/2000 (R.78) two packs of one hundred notes. Uncirculated. (200)
Estimate $500
SOLD $520
Lot 4573
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966) AAA 399051 (R.71); XAA 849342 (R.401) both first serial prefix notes. Second with almost pin hole, otherwise extremely ...
Estimate $300
Lot 4574
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR TO TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (R.71, 81, 301 (3), 401) also one dollar, Johnston/Stone (1982) DNS 803097/9 (R.78) consecutive trio. Generally uncirculated. (9)
Estimate $150
SOLD $100
Lot 4575
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Coombs/Wilson (1966) (R.71) (17), Coombs/Randall (1967) (R.72) (10), Phillips/Randall (1969) (R.73) (3); five dollars, Coombs/Randall (1967) NAA 340592 first prefix (R.202F), Phillips/Randall (1969) ...
Estimate $750
SOLD $1,400
Lot 4576
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR - ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson - Johnston/Stone (1984), a hoard of first prefix paper decimal notes, AAA (R.71F) (9), FAA (R.81F) (13), NAA ...
Estimate $10,000
Lot 4577
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR TO TWENTY DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966) to Fraser/Evans (1993), collection housed in First Day Covers album in mylar holders with typed descriptions (R.71-8 extra ...
Estimate $2,000
SOLD $1,700
Lot 4578
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Coombs/Randall (1967) AGT 732566 (R.72), Johnston/Stone (1982) DKU 483935/44 ten consecutive notes (R.78) (10); five dollars, Macfarlane/Evans (1996) BB 96 392891, 893, 896 ...
Estimate $170
Lot 4579
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Coombs/Randall (1967) to twenty dollars, Fraser/Cole (1991) (R.72, 78 (3), 89 (4, including trio), 212 (pair) 213 (2), 216 EA, 217, 310b, 313MRR, ...
Estimate $170
SOLD $180
Lot 4580
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Coombs/Randall (1967) to twenty dollars, Fraser/Evans (1993) (R.72, 75, 76a, 77 (two pairs and three singles), 78 DPB; 81 (2), 83, 87 (pair ...
Estimate $700
SOLD $570
Lot 4581
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE - FIVE DOLLARS, one dollar, Phillips/Wheeler (1972) BHV 811412 slight registration shift right, Johnston/Stone (1982) DHB 229922 radar number (R.74, 78); two dollars, Phillips/Wheeler ...
Estimate $80
Lot 4582
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Knight/Wheeler (1976) to fifty dollars, Fraser/Evans (1993) (R.76a, 78 single and runs of five, 88, 89 (3), 213 (pair) 214, 219 (2), 513). ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $80
Lot 4583
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Knight/Wheeler (1976), to ten dollars, Fraser/Higgins (1990) (R.76a, b, 77 pair + 4 singles, 78 (7), 89 (6), 207, 218 pair & ...
Estimate $200
Lot 4584
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Knight/Stone (1979) to one hundred dollars, Johnston/Stone (1984) (R.77, 202, 206a, 307b (2), 308 (trio), 316 (trio), 320 (trio), 408 (VKK run of ...
Estimate $850
SOLD $800
Lot 4585
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Knight/Stone to one hundred dollars, Fraser/Evans (1996) (R.77 (3), 78 (19); 88, 89 (2); 207, 208, 212 (2), 214 (3 & pair), 216 ...
Estimate $1,500
SOLD $1,600
Lot 4586
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Johnston/Stone (1982) DPS 764575 (R.78L) DPS last prefix; ten dollars, Fraser/Cole (1991) MRR 670078 (R.313b); fifty dollars, Fraser/Cole (1991) WKB 014581 (R.513), Fraser/Evans ...
Estimate $200
Lot 4587
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Johnston/Stone (1987) to twenty dollars, Fraser/Evans (1994) (R.78 DPD run of ten, DNS single, 89 (3), 214 (2), 310b, 316, 416). Nearly uncirculated ...
Estimate $100
Lot 4588
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE DOLLAR, Johnston/Stone (1982) (R.78 [3]); two dollars, Johnston/Fraser (1985) (R.89 [4]); five dollars (1985) (R.209a [3]), Fraser/Cole (1992) (R.214 [11]); ten dollars, Johnston/Fraser (1985) ...
Estimate $350
Lot 4589
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
ONE TO TEN DOLLARS, Phillips/Randall (1969), one dollar, ALN 198857 (R.73), (1968) two dollars, FQT 576629 (R.83), (1969) five dollars, NEX 465353, (1968) ten dollars, ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $90
Lot 4590
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
TWO DOLLARS, Coombs/Randall (1967) FKS, FKV, FKX (R.82) (3); Phillips/Randall (1968) GLF, GPQ (R.83) (2); Phillips/Wheeler (1974) HJZ (R.85); Knight/Wheeler (1976) Gothic centre thread, HNZ, ...
Estimate $80
Lot 4591
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
TWO DOLLARS, Phillips/Randall (1968) GGJ 876901/10 (R.83) consecutive run of ten notes; Knight/Wheeler (1976) HNF 543199/04 (R.86A), HQF 321254/62 (R.86B) consecutive runs of six and ...
Estimate $250
SOLD $200
Lot 4592
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
TWO DOLLARS, Phillips/Wheeler (1972) HAK, in runs and singles (R.84). Uncirculated. (20)
Estimate $700
Lot 4593
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
TWO DOLLARS, Knight/Stone (1979) (R.87) JLX 013888, Johnston/Stone (1983) (R.88) KCR 522411/5 six consecutive, KCQ 521779/80 two consecutive and 521783, KDQ 534342/3 consecutive pair, KJB ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 4594
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
TWO DOLLARS, Knight/Stone (1979) JEA 819107/208 (R.87) pack of one hundred notes, broken runs. Uncirculated. (100)
Estimate $500
SOLD $500
Lot 4595
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
TWO DOLLARS, Johnston/Stone (1983) KJN 136200/98 (R.88) pack of nintey nine notes. Uncirculated. (99)
Estimate $1,000
Lot 4596
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
TWO DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1985) LHU 100000 (R.89) scarce number. Flattened of creases and folds, very fine.
Estimate $200
SOLD $150
Lot 4597
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
TWO DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1985) LFQ 758376/402 twenty seven consecutive notes, LFS 758171/3 three consecutive notes (R.89). Uncirculated. (30)
Estimate $90
SOLD $120
Lot 4598
Sale 98 Aust. Decimal Banknotes Issues $1 & $2
TWO DOLLARS, Johnston/Fraser (1985) LKT 065733/832 pack of one hundred consecutive notes (R.89). Uncirculated. (100)
Estimate $300
SOLD $500